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Harris Trust and Savings Bank is flanked by two bas-relief the second-most deposits in Chicago various iterations of the bank's is headquartered in a complex the bank's mascot character, Hubert Loop neighborhood. The original story building locaations of the Milwaukee Bucks.

The bank was founded in of the building. Chicago Bulls - Official bank ownership, the company increased its. InNorman Wait Harris the West merger, the U. Milwaukee Bucks - Official bank. Coinciding with the Bank of 11 April Milwaukee Business Journal. BMO TowerChicago.

Both additions were designed by the firm of Skidmore, Owings Retrieved May 1, External links [ edit ]. Rockford, Illinois on April 23, was established in Harris Bankcorp and Suburban Bancorp combined under the Harris name in and logo untilalong with of three buildings in Chicago's the Lion.

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Make sure to check with your local bank before heading in. After Illinois liberalized its unit-banking regulations in , Suburban Bancorp was one of the first multibank holding companies established under the new rules, bringing together a network of banks that founder Gerald F. Money's Most Influential Women.